
I Haven't Blogged in a Long Time!

It seems like the bigger the kids get the less time I have to blog. I wonder why. Maybe because my 14 month old is into everything!!! I mean everything. We only thought that B had it bad. S now know how to open the toilet ... what a disaster for a curious little boy who loves water! So to catch you up on our little families lives in a few short minutes before I hit the pillow myself. B is now 28 months old and learning every day. He is obsessed with batteries and wants to put them in everything. If something dies it just needs it batteries replaced. We recently tried to explain that when animals die they go to heaven ... well that didn't go over to well. They just need new batteries right mom?! He loves trains especially his "baby" trains that he got for Christmas. He loves to play on our Iphones and can probably work the better than I can. One day his daddy found him watching Thomas on netflix on the Iphone. Seriously. How does he figure this stuff out. I didn't even know that we had netflix on the iphone. He loves to eat too He is really into trees (broccoli), sticks (celery), peaches, and tomatoes right now. He will eat just about anything but has started to refuse meat and bananas again. Weird I know. He talks up a storm carrying on full paragraph conversations which is really fun. He loves fish, the animals at the zoo, and to chase Chloe. He won't hold a lizard or touch much but he sure loves to watch. He recently got a new haircut that I despise but what can a girl do but let it grow. His sweet baby hair is all gone! He wears a size 7.5-8 shoe, 2T pants, and a 2T shirt (some of which are to short). He must get that long torso from his daddy!